I’m tired of telling the story every time I start again- long story short- I’ve been fat all my life and I’ve tried it all. I’ve lost weight successfully twice in the past, my best was on keto and I dropped 140 lbs in 14 months.
You name it, I’ve tried it.
Now…on to the future.
Every time I try, I usually fail, but I come back again and again, tweaking the plan that worked in the past into a livable situation – keto was not livable for me. I went off keto to celebrate my birthday in 2019, and here I am…almost exactly where I started (still down about 25 lbs.).
I like intermittent fasting – I like removing the thought of food altogether. My problem is an addiction it’s a mental and emotional attachment to food. I use food when I’m happy, sad, excited…I use it to celebrate or as just entertainment because I’m bored.
I need to focus on mindful eating and remove the thought of food. Period. Food shouldn’t be an option for any of the above things – food is simply energy to run my body.
My entire life, I’ve skipped breakfast and usually lunch. All through school, it was easier to skip lunch than to be bullied for being the fat kid eating.
The went with me into adulthood; when I first started my job about 21 years ago, I ate lunch about 10% of the time – when we went out as a group. All of those people are gone and replaced with younger folks, and, thanks to Covid and me being a Gen X’er- I now only eat lunch about 1% or less.
I eat lunch if I’m home, though.
The problem is, I don’t need fuel right before I go to bed- I need fuel at the beginning of the day to run my body and I need less fuel going in than I require so that my body pulls from its reserve fuel tank.
The plan is pretty simple-
- Protein coffee for breakfast -7am
- Protein snack-9am
- Lunch (the dinner we made the night before)- between 11:30am-12:30pm
This means I’ll be fasting from 1pm to 7am, so that is 18/6 or longer depending on when I eat my lunch.
I’m using December to get into a routine, so I’m not being too strict but I’m trying to get it all in place and give myself time to adapt instead of waking up overnight as a new person – that hasn’t worked yet.
The next thing I’m doing is getting back to my “medals” but I don’t want to do 5Ks because that is stupid. It takes me about an hour to do a 5K, so I work out for an hour and get a medal???
I have a medal that contains 10 mini medals, so I’m going to focus on doing that for the next 10 months, starting 01.01.2025.
I plan to work out 10 hours (10-5Ks) per month to earn each mini metal; that should equal the suggested 30 mins 5x’s per day over a month. That covers me through October, and I have 2 other medals to cover November and December.
This covers food and exercise.
I also plan to listen to podcasts, positive music and use the Headspace App and focus more effort on my charity – Commons4Kids.
This covers the three aspects of SharQi- mind, body, and charity.
Love, Peace and Sharkyness